
What is management and managers?

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Management is essential in the performance of any organization. Whether it’s a commercial or non-profit organization. This defines what the managers do. Now, what is the direction?

The term “management” is defined as planning, leader and resource control to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. It is also defined as a practice involving the direction, organization and development of people, technologies and financial resources to provide products and services through organizational systems. A third definition can be constituted as a work process with and through people to achieve the objectives of an organization effectively and ethically. These are tasks, disciplines and people. Each achievement of the direction is credited to the manager. On the other hand, each failure is a manager failure. There are common words that describe the management and they are indicated below.

We gather definitions that managers get things through people. If their work depends on other people, it is clear that they need skills in person. They make decisions, direct activities and allocate resources to achieve goals. Now, what are the functions of the management?

As stated in definitions, managers achieve objectives by performing four important functions, as follows:

1. Planning

2. Organization

3. leading

4. Check


Planning is to define the objectives and objectives of an organization. It establishes a global strategy for achieving the definite objectives and objectives. Planning sets up a set of plans or courses to integrate and coordinate activities.

To organise

Managers are also responsible for designing an organization’s structure. The structure determines some things that include; Tasks that need to be made and the people who will do the tasks. The tasks are grouped together, then the structure indicates WHO that reports to which and where decisions must be taken.


Since each organization includes people, managers are responsible for the management and coordination of these people. Management motivates employees, directs the activities of others and selects the effective communication channels. Sometimes there are conflicts between members of an organization and someone should solve them.


Organizations have set objectives to be achieved. Managers should ensure that these objectives are truly achieved. Therefore, this calls for performance to monitor and measure. If there are deviations of the defined objectives, these deviations must be corrected.

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